

Assalamualaikum! Oh. Hari nie dah 31 December dah rupenye..Pejam celik pejam celik da nak masuk tahun baru, nak masuk 2nd year, nak masuk umoq 21.. Oh, sebelum start merepek panjang2, cheq nak wish happy birthday kat kawan cheq, orang da nak masuk 21 die baru masuk 20..hihik..Suhailah a.k.a chuelah..Sannah helwah ukhti!! Thanks for everything, haha.next year balik M'sia kite travel lagi ok :)

Okey back to business. 2011, banyak sangat benda berlaku..perubahan; mentally, attitude, physically *i didn't change much, i think.ok i think*, emotionally, alah senang cakap we all have been through a lot in one year. Tipulah kalau kau cakap you didn't even change for a bit. or at least have the guts to change, niat ade tapi belum terlaksana. hah, mesti ade kan kan? Setahun tu walaupon kite rasa sekejap tapi it was a hard long journey jugak tau.Or aku je rase macam tuh? hewhew.Whatever.

Tahun nie, alhamdulillah, I was able to finish my first year from my 4 years degree program. Alhamdulillah I was able to stand learning the education system yang complicated ker? Haha, i say it was a little bit boring, Well, history beb history. But as a future educator, i must know the background of education system. And yes, i learnt more about kids, those theories and yada yada. Yeah, tahun satu, gone, tahun dua, hai. I'm coming bebeh. For sure it will be tougher. And my major subject. Oh, i didn't mention about my major subjects at all up there.haha.Linguistic.Language people i am. It was interesting, but i just can't stop loving literature more. Tapi because of miss kim, learning linguistic is super fun.

And more, those who know me will know that i am quite active in silat. Yes, i'm one of persatuan seni silat cekak pusaka hanafi's member. Alhamdulillah me and my partner, Syahira da tamat.Yes.haha..tapi skills haruslah di brush up kan lagi..dan tak sabar nak masuk wajadiri next year. Tapi kurang meriah dah kot because our president a.k.a my classmate, Awie accident before our final exam, patah tulang paha.. Die kena rest la ni, maybe takleh bersilat next year..what to do kan? Moral of the story, we won't know what will happen to us in future. 

Emh ape lagi ye? Oh yeah, 2011 juga tahun yang agak horror to me.haha.Why? Banyak sangat la perubahan emosi. Amboi die, mengada ngada! haha.. ke kalau da masuk umur 20 memang macam nie? Ke aku je macam nie? haha..let me make it straight la, malas nak berkias. What i mean is perasaan nak berpasangan.Cewah. ha ha ha *sile gelak sekarang* but i think it was normal la kan? Aku pon manusia ada hati dan perasaan. Tapi rasanya benda alah tu lambat lagi. Walaupon da ade sijil kawen *so what fatihah?haha* tapi memang rasanya lambat lagi la. Calon tarak mehh, perangai pon kanak2 lagi.haha.What's importante for now is, I never have any serious relationship with a guy, I'll keep it for my future husband.Cewwahhh! Wa pon naik geli baca ini paragraph. =.=

Haha.ok, done with my emotion thingy that is not a major important case for u readers, tu pon kalau ade reader. Ish sedih nye, nie sebab nuff tak nak naik la ni, terus rase down.Bhahahaha. Next, tahun nie pon mencatat sejarah where I lose my temper agak banyak..Wa sensitif tau sekarang. haha.No la, it is me like that. Well, maybe because i'm the eldest in my sibling which makes me a little bit ego, and the only daughter which makes me a little bit manja. Bile kite campurkan dua2 tuh, effect die agak besar. Kalau anda rase tiada kaitan, buat2 macam ade kaitan la ye. Tapi kan, i want to seek for apologize for those yang terasa dengan Fatihah nie.mane la tau, esok lusa, Tuhan nak cabut nyawa, tak sempat nak minta maaf. So, minta maaf banyak banyak kalau anda anda dan anda terasa dengan saye ok. And yeah, I am serious :)

Banyak nye i tulis.haha. Next, i want to congratulate my friend yang da selamat ditunangkan. you know who you are. Semoga kekal bahagia dan InshaAllah, akan sampai ke jinjang pelamin tu..Saya doakan yang terbaik untuk awak tau..hihi..and doakan la yang terbaik untuk saya jugak..

Okey, sebenarnya banyak lagi nak tulis. Tetapi, dah malas nak taip, rangka ayat segala bagai. Sape2 yang habis baca entry nie, congratulation. I love u.eh.haha.Esok 2012. We never know what will happen to us next, tapi harapnya apa yang terjadi; good or bad thing, will make us to be a better person. InshaAllah. Till next time. Assalamualaikum :)


Unknown said...

i baca habis! hehe. btw, Insyaallah, let's be better persons :)

Sam Haru said...

waalaikumsalam..habis baca jugak..panajng isi cik tehah kita..

insya'allah,,hope for a better life next yar. ^^

fatihah azemi said...

izzati: congratulation!haha amin ya rabb

mas: kate bakal guru.kene pulak english, sedang mengasah bakat menulis leni..haha ;P